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Process: Fairy Lands


To begin with, I  constantly soak up new inspiration, especially from nature.

In addition to finding inspiration wherever I go, I collect treasures to be used later in my creations. Some materials are altered, or preserved. For example, I cut sticks or logs into wood 'pancakes' which are used for anything from tables to staricases. Often friends and family (once they've seen my pievces) will give me treasures that they find . I love how they give me things I may not have spotted but are beautiful none the less. I believe that it's easiest to create when you are surrounded by things to spark ideas.


The Base

To begin each of these pieces, I started with a large wood pancake. From there I added branches and more, smaller wood pancakes to create levels. 

Main Features

After creating the base, I build any large elements I wish to include in the piece.


I then begin developing the detailed elements.

After many hours and the final touches, the piece is complete.

Final Touches

This series of pieces were sold and the money was used to sponsor a family for Christmas.

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